Mutt Tip: Attach Multiple Files

Friday, November 25, 2011.

You can attach multiple files in mutt’s file browser, if they’re in the same directory: just use ‘t’ to tag them, then ‘;’-Enter. You can also view files from the file browser before attaching them, just hit Space. Ten years of mutt and I’m still discovering this stuff

Posted by Alan on Friday, November 25, 2011. (Discuss)

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"After a little while I became possessed with the keenest curiosity about the whirl itself. I positively felt a wish to explore its depths, even at the sacrifice I was going to make; and my principal grief was that I should never be able to tell my old companions on shore about the mysteries I should see."

Illustration for Edgar Allan Poe's story "Descent into the Maelstrom" by Harry Clarke, published in 1919.